Meet the core creative team and the skilled collaborators who brought this play to life.
OCTOBER 2017 - University Settlement
Devised by the Company
Written by Melissa Moschitto with The Ensemble
With an Original Song by Mariah Freda
Mariah Freda*, P.J. Johnnie, Brianna Kalisch*, Chad Anthony Miller
Melissa Moschitto* - Director Dominique Rider - Assistant Director
Lynde Rosario* - Dramaturg Irina Kuraeva - Visual Designer
Adrian Bridges - Musical Arrangement Sadah Espii Proctor - Sound & Projection
Rishauna Zumberg - Choreographer Emma K. Rivera - Lighting Designer
Brian Demar Jones* - CCTA Producer Sarah Edkins - Mask Design
Bahar Cetinsoy - Creative Intern Adi Eshman - Creative Intern
Wren Mitchell - Production Assistant



Resident Artist, Actor/Deviser

Resident Artist, Actor/Deviser

Resident Dramaturg

Artistic Director, Director/Script

Visual Designer

Sound & Projection Designer

Assistant Director & Stage Manager


Musical Arrangement & Sound Consultant

Creative Intern - Educational Theatre
Special thanks to these artists who attended Investigative Rehearsals and/or worked on later workshops of the play.
Michael Ables Sarah Edkins
Emily Ellis Christopher Gillard
Jean Goto Sheree Grate
Rob Reese Rishauna Zumberg
Artists who attended an Investigative Rehearsals during the first phase of the project.
Armando Batista Ben Gougeon
Arisael Rivera Isreal Scott
Doris Vila